Get Busy Living - Permanent Hiatus

Serious About The RV Thing

Folks close to us know we have talked about RVing full time off and on for the last couple of years. Most were very surprised when we made it happen in what looked like 2 months from outward appearances. Some questioned our sanity but it really was a logical process for us.

My younger sister passed away after a year long illness in 2014 and prompted me to get busy living. I quit my dead end corporate job mid-2015 to focus on my software business. Boyd and I have been together since late 2003 and he started working full time for my company in January, 2015.

Throughout the second half of 2015 and first quarter of 2016, we grew our business model so that it was sustainable without a brick and mortar facility. We chose team members that work well remotely so were also positioned to be able to work from anywhere as long as we had internet access.

So we decided in April, 2016, it was as good of a time as any for us to try the full time RV thing.

Two Kinds of People

Once the decision was made, Boyd researched the technical aspects of the equipment we would need – everything from the RV to the internet service to run our business and I worked on disassembling the contents of our 4,000 square foot home for the eventual move.

By dividing and conquering, we were able to get a lot accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. This was great for us, but some folks who only saw us selling nearly everything we owned were afraid for us.

Invariably, when we announced our intentions, we were met with 1 of 2 reactions:

  1. What a great opportunity!
  2. Holy crap – why?

The folks in the second category usually followed their initial response with well-meaning questions about our sanity and finances.

We tried to assuage our doubters’ fears as much as we could.

  • Yes, we’ve thought this through.
  • No, this isn’t a whim.
  • Yes, we are getting rid of all of our “stuff”.
  • Yes, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll buy another house and sell the RV.
  • And on and on.

Sometimes there’s nothing we can say to help them understand and we have to be ok with that for now.

Then The RV Stuff Got Real

And so we finally “went public” with our plan in May, 2016 and gave everyone plenty of fodder for their Christmas newsletters this year. The decision was ours to make and while we don’t have to justify it to anyone else, it’s hard to cause worry to those who care about us.

The Spark CarIt got real for me Memorial Day weekend when I traded-in my beloved Jeep Grand Cherokee for a little Chevy Spark to tow behind an RV we hadn’t purchased yet but were in the process of finding. It was also a sign to any doubters that we were serious about the RV thing.

Comments 3

  1. Pingback: Keeping in touch | Permanent Hiatus

  2. Pingback: Sold! or Not. | Permanent Hiatus

  3. Pingback: Taking our Business on the Road | Permanent Hiatus

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