Replacing Booth with a Desk – phase 1

The Problem…

Our Tiffin 33AA has a great interior, including a great booth to sit and eat at; however, it doesn’t work well for working on a computer for 6 – 12 hours a day.

Since we work on our computers most of the day building websites and software for clients, we need to be as comfortable as possible. So, how do we put in 2 workstations into the RV without losing a place to eat and entertain?

Out with the old

We started by removing the booth that came standard. 4 screws later, one side of the booth was out and a few more screws (including a few that were stripped out, argh..) and the booth and table are now history!

I found the subwoofer for the ‘theatre blu-ray player’ under the booth seat, it is hardwired in so I will have to cut the wires to move it. Come on Tiffin… There was also an LP heater vent under the booth, so I just backed it up to the counter opening and will call that good for now.

The last image shows a nice cutout on the trim that Tiffin does for the booth seat… This will have to be incorporated into the new desk when it gets built to try and blend in as much as possible because we are not replacing the trim to ‘fix’ this.

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